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Jordan has experienced an influx of refugees from neighboring countries since the 1950s, with nearly half the current population composed of refugees. The refugee situation became especially severe in recent years as Syrians began arriving in large numbers during their country’s civil war, which has been ongoing for more than two decades. Most of the Christian activity among Jordanian Christians has been focused on serving these refugees, and as God works powerfully among Arab Muslim refugees, Jordanian Christians are emboldened as never before to reach out to their Muslim neighbors.
Major Religion:
96 percent of Jordanians are Sunni Muslims. 2 percent are Christians.
Christian converts from Islam are persecuted, sometimes violently, by their families, tribes and communities. The Jordanian government restricts open evangelism and sometimes also Bible distribution activities.

What It Means To Follow Christ In Jordan
Christians are free to meet openly, but they have difficulty getting government approval to open new churches or church facilities. Gatherings of believers are monitored, and Muslims who convert to Christianity often meet privately in homes to avoid drawing extra attention. Family members often create severe hardships for these believers by taking their homes, children, jobs and inheritances.
Access To Bibles:
Bibles are available through Bible societies and bookstores. Give Bibles
VOM Work:
VOM helps respond to persecution attacks and the needs of Christian refugees. We also provide training for Christian leaders. Give to VOM’s Global Ministry
Prayer Requests:
- Pray for Ghazal, who was hospitalized when her husband beat her severely for placing her faith in Christ.
- Pray for Christian women who face violent opposition from their husbands when they leave Islam to follow Christ.
- Pray for the establishment of more churches to evangelize and disciple new Christians.
- Pray that Muslim refugees in Jordan will come to know Christ through the witness of Jordanian Christians.
- Pray that churches ministering to Muslim refugees will have the resources they need to continue their work.